Schoenoplectus pungens (Vahl) Palla

Chairmaker's Rush


CC = 6
CW = -5
MOC = 49

© DETenaglia

Family - Cyperaceae

Stems - No info. yet.

Schoenoplectus_pungens_stem_cross.jpg Cross-section of stem.

© DETenaglia

Leaves - No info. yet.

Schoenoplectus_pungens_sheath.jpg Leaf sheath.

© DETenaglia

Inflorescence - No info. yet.


© DETenaglia

Flowers - No info. yet.

Schoenoplectus_pungens_flowers.jpg Flowers.

© DETenaglia

Flowering - May - September.

Habitat - Pond margins, gravel bars, streambanks, fens, marshes, ditches.

Origin - Native to U.S., South America, Europe, and Australia.

Other info. - This species can be found scattered throughout Missouri but is most common south of the Missouri River.
S. pungens is the most common species of the genus in Missouri. The plant can be difficult to ID because it closely resembles a few more species in the state and is a variable plant. Its triangular stems and creeping rhizomes will help you begin to make an ID. Other distinguishing characteristics are best seen with a lens or dissecting microscope.

Photographs taken at the Shut-In Mountain Fen, Shannon County, MO., 6-21-03 and 6-5-04.