Platanthera ciliaris (L.) Lindl.

Yellow Fringed Orchid


CC = 10
CW = -3
MOC = 6
SRank = S1

© DETenaglia

Family - Orchidaceae

Stems - No info yet.


© DETenaglia

Leaves - No info yet.

Platanthera_ciliaris_leaves.jpg Bracteal leaves of the stem.

© DETenaglia

Inflorescence - No info yet.


© DETenaglia

Flowers - No info yet.

Platanthera_ciliaris_flower.jpg Flower close-up.

© DETenaglia

Platanthera_ciliaris_spur.jpg Spur of corolla.

© DETenaglia

Flowering - July - October.

Habitat - Acid seeps, moist, acidic soils, margins of sinkhole ponds, wet pine upland forests.

Origin - Native to U.S.

Other info. - This attractive species can be found in just a few southeastern Missouri counties. The plant is rare in Missouri and is seldomly seen. It is more common in states to the southeast.
P. ciliaris is easy to identify in the field becasue of its big, orange flowers and large size. The plant grows to close to 1m tall. The flowers are unmistakable with their deeply fringed lower lip and long spur. The flowers are pollinated by butterflies.
A synonym is Habenaria ciliaris (L.) R. Br.

Photographs taken off Hwy 80, Macon County, AL., 8-16-05.